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Remixer & Studio   Studio nagraniowe   Kompozytor   Audio Engineer   Autor   Muzyk   Autor i wykonawca  
Dodatkowa kategoria
Instrumental   Nie do zaklasyfikowania   Rock   Dance Electronica   Musical   Brit-Pop   Funk   World   Soundtrack   Experimental   Pop   Indie   Techno  

Osobisty profil

Felix and Alain met on stage during a jam session at a local Brussels watering hole in 2012. From their unexpected but encouraging chemistry they formed the band US, which thus sparked creation of their first concept album. From the eyes of the main character Messiah, we see into a post-apocalyptic world as illus trated throughout the album. Their music consists of elaborate electronic drum patterns, vintage and modern keyboard sounds, rock guitars and a blend of vocal styles and origins. From a collaborated list of over three-dozen tracks, fourteen were selected for ImmortalChild, the band’s genesis album.

Profil firmy

Universal Sound Studio Recording