- All power to the artistDiscussions, opinions and experiences concerning online-self-marketing[...] |
International Networking - hang out lodge.This group aims to connect people who work in complementary fields in different countries. It´s a place to discuss new ideas, discover affinities, brainstorm, and most of all, get to know each other s[...] |
Music2deal-SupportAny problems or questions with music2deal? The music2deal employees in this group can help you! Probleme oder Fragen zu Music2deal? Die Music2deal-Mitarbeiter aus dieser Gruppe können dir weiterhel[...] |
Music2deal RepresentativesGroup for the representatives and the head office concerning communication and information about marketing and developement.[...] |
Int. Music Manager Forum GroupThis group is for networking and exchange of information for the member of the 17 Music Managers Forums around the world. Moreover it is a place to contact MMF managers.[...] |
IMMFThe International Music Manager’s Forum (IMMF) represents featured artist music managers and through them the featured artists (performers and authors) themselves. [...] |
MBO (Music Business Opportunities)This group is dedicated to posting opportunities for unsigned artists, producers, and songwriters. A place where music professionals and artists can present their ideas and projects, and new business[...] |
A&R TopicsDiscussions, help, information, understanding and knowledge about A&R and it's continuing role within the worldwide music industry.[...] |