licenza offerta (1)


  • 9-mag-2016
  • Instrumental
  • English
informazioni principali
genere Instrumental
lingua English
uso per
  • Commercial
  • Gaming
  • Film
master track available yes
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Dramatic
  • Serious
  • Sad
voce no vocals
realizzazione dati 2015
realizzazione artista Lorne K. Hemmerling
informazioni canzone
A haunting, dramatic theme in the style of John Carpenter. Old school feel with a modern twist and production. Suitable for film or TV. Music: Lorne K. Hemmerling All instruments, sequencing, arrangement, production, mixing and mastering: Lorne K. Hemmerling
Infection (Remix)
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Chalam +
Chalam + 21/09/19 21.58
"WOW! :)"
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 21/09/19 21.58
"This is infectious. :-)"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21.58
Madam Tone Tasha
Madam Tone Tasha 21/09/19 21.58
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21/09/19 21.58
"nice track"