Artist offers (1)

Brian Harris/ Ages 2020/ The Rekkerz

  • 09.11.2017
    • Easy Listening
  • Группа
Brian Harris/ Ages 2020/ The Rekkerz
  • Easy Listening
Тип Группа
Страна Канада
  • Английский
  • Запись
The song Are You Listening is about listening to one's self and asking ourselves if we are learning from our mistake's in our love life or Not. being alone or lonely, missing the old day's when we may have held a power to get our own way. Change! Hope you enjoy it and it helps you listen to yourself if not about love then something that also make's you feel fuzzy :)
Are You Listening
Фотографии & Video

Votes and comments

Chalam +
Chalam + 21.09.19 21:58
"Listening..., beautiful! :)"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21.09.19 21:58