提供艺人 (1)

Blues Unlimited

  • 2017-7-12
    • Unclassifiable
  • Band
Blues Unlimited
  • Unclassifiable
类型 Band
国家 Germany
3 professional musicians are the members of Blues Unlimited. Each one is in the business for a long time and played a lot concerts in different countrys. They have also experience in Studio, Broadcast and TV. They played on many recordings of former bands. Blues Unlimited had won an audience competition of WDR2 ( Radiostation in Germany/NRW ) three times. There is an interview with the Band on the bands facebookside. And have a look at the videos on youtube.
01 - Summer Sun - Latin Chor
05 - Long John Billy Frets
07 - Long Line skinner
图片 & 视频


Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 19-9-21 下午9:58
Chalam +
Chalam + 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Brilliant. :)"