offerte canzoni (1)


  • 14-ott-2017
  • Children's Music
  • German
informazioni principali
genere Children's Music
lingua German
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Cheerful
  • Happy
  • Melancholic
  • Uplifting
voce male
autori Toni Kroliczak / Vera Sattler
realizzazione dati 2017
realizzazione artista Toni Kroliczak
informazioni canzone
The song "Gespensterwalzer" tells about an old castle. There live different ghosts. At midnight they come from their hiding places ghost haunt through the castle - a story that can be played very well
informazioni autori
Vera Sattler has studied educational science. She has much experience in musical education and language promotion for children. Together with Toni Kroliczak, she develops musical ideas and texts. Toni Kroliczak has studied educational science. In his leisure time, he is a hobby musician and composes different pieces of music (for example songs for children).
Gespensterwalzer TK V4 (2017)
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21.58
"Prima !!"
Friedhelm HOLZ
Friedhelm HOLZ 21/09/19 21.58
"Ganz toll. Da werde sogar ich nochmal Kind und träume mit....Musik und Text passen perfekt zusammen....huha, huha..."