
Κύρια δραστηριότητα
Record Label
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Distribution   Recording Studio   Record Label   Composer   Music Producer   Audio Engineer   Songwriter   Artist  
Δευτερεύον είδος
Easy Listening  

Το προφίλ μου

Gert Bertram

Εταιρικό προφίλ

Allzeit Musik a new label from Berlin is starting an unconventional enterprise and wants to give musicians from all over the world, living in Berlin, a forum for their artistic work regardless of musical stylistic confines. Allzeit Musik is located in the heart of Berlin and offers in the creative environment of Kreuzberg digital recording and mastering at reasonable prices. The productions reach from (A-Z) progressive rock / soul and alternative rock to German rock right up to Goa-trance, "nu jazz", "nu classics", world music and poetry "spoken words" !!!we do no artistcontracts!!!