Song offers (1)


  • 27.Mar.2014
  • Dance Electronica
  • English
Main info
Tarz Dance Electronica
Dil English
Tempo up-Tempo
  • Groovy
  • Danceable
  • Energetic
Ses female
Author Jens Vetter, Dieter Garde
Release date 2013
Release artist sonic minds
Song Description
Catchy and groovy dance track with gorgeous female voice serving modern and traditional synthpop elements as well.
Author info
Jens Vetter, producer and musician united in one person, in addition the routined singer Sonja Biastoch.

Votes and comments

Jo Dorsheimer
Jo Dorsheimer 21.09.2019 21:58
Tyler Ling
Tyler Ling 21.09.2019 21:58