
英語   ドイツ語  
ビジネス・サービス   販促   団体   コンサート・プロモータ   アーティスト   マネージメント   ボーカリスト   A&R   ラジオ   エージェンシーおよびブランド   PRエージェンシー   ブッキング   メディア   シンガーソングライター  
ロックンロール   ヒップホップ   ロック   ソウル   ブリットポップ   メタル   ラップ   R&B   オルタナティブ   ポップス   インディ   パンク  


- Music Manager - Media Manager - Marketing Manager - Radio line - Nomination-fledged member of the German Music Council / PopCamp - Member of DVPJ (German Association of Press Journalists) - Member of Musikagentrn of Universal Music Group (www.Musikagenten.net) - Jurymitdlied various band contests


The AgenturMMM-Artist-Management® is a management and marketing agency that specializes in the promotion of new bands, from the fields of "Rock, Pop, Metal, Gothic and Dark".   The AgenturMMM's trademark, registered as a word and figurative mark, the German Patent and Trademark Office.   References: - IT Innovation Award 2015 - Best Newcomer management - IT Innovation Award 2015 - Award "Best Online Marketing" - IT Innovation Award 2015 - Award project "Together for the newcomer" - Inniovationspreis-IT 2012 - Concept Award "Management starts in your head!" - Member of the German Press journalists - Nomination Legitimate medium of the German Music Council / Abt PopCamp.    The agency is dedicated to the following areas: Promoting awareness and professionalization in the market by: Band Promotion Media Management Press Management TV Musikmagazin- Publishing On Stage Management Communication with Media Media-compatible communication / Promotional Communication / business communication Radio Promotion Band management meetings to tape-psychological basis (focus disturbance fields in the band) Mediation and online marketing management Digital and physical sampling of concerts and festivals