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Charly Horvath Nice /Song Writer,Voc.Alt.Sopr.Ten.Sax.Flute/ was born and rise in Hungary, but lives since many years in Germany now. Charly is over 20 years active in the international music business. He is a well know studio musician, as well as a very popular artist on stage. He made not only several CDs, and LPs, but gets also many invitations to Gala show, Rock-Pop and Jazz-Festivals in Germany and abroad. Needles to say that Charly Horvath Nice appears many times in Radio- and TV-Show. In 2011, Wastaps have reunited with singer-saxophonist Charly Horvath Nice, who - after having settled in Germany in 1978 – has started a successful solo carreer under the name Charly Nice. The newly formed group consists of him and four other former band members, and have recently finished recording their album containing 12 new songs. Wastaps’ album ,Bolond világ’ (Crazy World) was released at the end of September in the joint release of the German DMG and H&N Music, distributed by Stereo Kft. and Periferic Records. Wastaps was formed in 1969 and had their success in the 70s and 80s. During these years there has been a number of radio and television recordings made of the group, which were continously played in the pop and jazz programmes of the Hungarian Radio and Hungarian Television. Wastaps have regularly participated in the musical festivals organized by the Hungarian Radio and Television, and have released singles of the songs played at the occasions. The group has been performing for years in Vígszínház – one of the biggest theatres of Budapest, famous for musicals – where they have participated in two Hungarian musicals (An Imaginary Report on an American Pop Festival; I Am Thirty Years Old). They had successful tours in the former Yugoslavia, and Soviet Union. Wastaps have participated in countless tours organized by ORI (the biggest Hungarian organization responsible for concerts), and have performed several times together with Syrius, the most significant group of the Hungarian progressive music scene of all times. Charly Horvath Nice Decide for the best. www.charlynice.de http://www.co-art-music.com/CharlyNice-Music


Charly Horvath Nice /Song Writer,Voc.Alt.Sopr.Ten.Sax.Flute/ was born and rise in Hungary, but lives since many years in Germany now. Charly is over 20 years active in the international music business. He is a well know studio musician, as well as a very popular artist on stage. He made not only several CDs, and LPs, but gets also many invitations to Gala show, Rock-Pop and Jazz-Festivals in Germany and abroad. Needles to say that Charly Horvath Nice appears many times in Radio- and TV-Show. In 2011, Wastaps have reunited with singer-saxophonist Charly Horvath Nice, who - after having settled in Germany in 1978 – has started a successful solo carreer under the name Charly Nice. The newly formed group consists of him and four other former band members, and have recently finished recording their album containing 12 new songs. Wastaps’ album ,Bolond világ’ (Crazy World) was released at the end of September in the joint release of the German DMG and H&N Music, distributed by Stereo Kft. and Periferic Records. Wastaps was formed in 1969 and had their success in the 70s and 80s. During these years there has been a number of radio and television recordings made of the group, which were continously played in the pop and jazz programmes of the Hungarian Radio and Hungarian Television. Wastaps have regularly participated in the musical festivals organized by the Hungarian Radio and Television, and have released singles of the songs played at the occasions. The group has been performing for years in Vígszínház – one of the biggest theatres of Budapest, famous for musicals – where they have participated in two Hungarian musicals (An Imaginary Report on an American Pop Festival; I Am Thirty Years Old). They had successful tours in the former Yugoslavia, and Soviet Union. Wastaps have participated in countless tours organized by ORI (the biggest Hungarian organization responsible for concerts), and have performed several times together with Syrius, the most significant group of the Hungarian progressive music scene of all times. Charly Horvath Nice Decide for the best. www.charlynice.de http://www.co-art-music.com/CharlyNice-Music