Business Offer

Main activity
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Record Label   Distribution   Publisher   other  
Instrumental   Rock & Roll   German Schlager   Chanson   Dance Electronica   Rock   Gospel & Religious   Soul   Country   Metal   Soundtrack   House   Folk   R&B   Alternative   Punk   Classical   Oldies   Reggae   Hip-Hop   Unclassifiable   Brit-Pop   Jazz   Blues   Experimental   World   Easy Listening   Latin   Rap   Pop   Indie   Techno   Children's Music  

Personal profile

This is the deal you‘ve been waiting for: You‘re an artist who would like to sell their music online? You own a record label and want more for your artists and yourself? recordJet has the perfect deal to help you sell your music online in the best music stores across the planet: +++ 100% of the royalties for you +++ keep all rights for your music +++ GTIN, ISRC and designated invoices +++ special services for artists and record labels +++ detailed sales stats +++ royalties can be dispursed at any time

Company profile

Sell your music online - all over the world!