提供歌曲 (10)

Standing On The Road Of Saviours

  • 2010-7-2
  • Pop
  • English
音乐风格 Pop
语言 English
节奏 up-Tempo
  • Dramatic
  • Romantic
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Cheerful
  • Groovy
  • Serious
  • Melancholic
  • Christmassy
声音 male
作者 Richard Rogers
发布艺人 Carlo
Fantastic Song
Superb UK Songwriter
Standing On The Road Of Saviours


Mehdi Benkirane
Mehdi Benkirane 19-9-21 下午9:58
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 19-9-21 下午9:58
michael keintzel
michael keintzel 19-9-21 下午9:58
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 19-9-21 下午9:58
Georges Perot
Georges Perot 19-9-21 下午9:58
George Mikhail
George Mikhail 19-9-21 下午9:58
Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 19-9-21 下午9:58
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 19-9-21 下午9:58
Susanna Lepianka
Susanna Lepianka 19-9-21 下午9:58
David Ian Hardwick
David Ian Hardwick 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Music and soundtrack really excellent."
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 19-9-21 下午9:58
Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander 19-9-21 下午9:58
"love the way this song moves"
cesli vane
cesli vane 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Groovy, no - cheerful, yes - sad, no - romantic, no - serious, no - christmassy, yes, dramatic,no... delivers in 2 cases on its promises"
Tam Nsaliwa
Tam Nsaliwa 19-9-21 下午9:58
"I think if you found an artist that could deliver the vocals with a little more ease it would make a significant difference for you. Otherwise solid"
Ariane Michaelis
Ariane Michaelis 19-9-21 下午9:58
Denny  Lara
Denny Lara 19-9-21 下午9:58
Dijana Lange
Dijana Lange 19-9-21 下午9:58
Wasilij Pupkin
Wasilij Pupkin 19-9-21 下午9:58
Jürgen Joherl
Jürgen Joherl 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Really fantastic?...no, I won't say so.:-)...not a bad song, but this arrangement, production & vocals are hardly convincing...yet, this is only me :-"

Terry Toy

  • 2010-7-2
  • Indie
  • English
音乐风格 Indie
语言 English
节奏 mid-Tempo
  • Melancholic
声音 male
作者 Bill Pritchard
发布日期 1998
发布艺人 Bill Pritchard
Great song
From the album 'Happiness And Other Crimes'
Terry Toy


Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 19-9-21 下午9:58
Bogdan L
Bogdan L 19-9-21 下午9:58
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 19-9-21 下午9:58
Christian Meyer-Pedersen
Christian Meyer-Pedersen 19-9-21 下午9:58
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 19-9-21 下午9:58
"interesting lyrics"
Michael  Brass
Michael Brass 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Due to all your bashing, I was honestly expecting a masterpiece here... After hearing this, I'm ok with you not liking my stuff.."
Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander 19-9-21 下午9:58
"interesting tune."
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 19-9-21 下午9:58
Chalam +
Chalam + 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Good one from Richard! :)"
Tam Nsaliwa
Tam Nsaliwa 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Pleasant little surprise."
Denny  Lara
Denny Lara 19-9-21 下午9:58
Tsi Joseph Tayong
Tsi Joseph Tayong 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Thumbs up"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 19-9-21 下午9:58
Geoff Ashford
Geoff Ashford 19-9-21 下午9:58
Daniel Almeida
Daniel Almeida 19-9-21 下午9:58
Thitiwat Rongthong
Thitiwat Rongthong 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Surprise! So fun! Really cool!"
Pierre Poupart
Pierre Poupart 19-9-21 下午9:58
Rolf Christl
Rolf Christl 19-9-21 下午9:58

The Slide - Audio Dentist

  • 2006-11-28
  • Indie
  • English
音乐风格 Indie
语言 English
节奏 mid-Tempo
  • Groovy
声音 male
作者 Ben Peel
发布日期 2002
发布艺人 Audio Dentist
Cool track in They Might Be Giants mode
UK Based Songwriter
The Slide - Audio Dentist


michael keintzel
michael keintzel 19-9-21 下午9:58
"right dance groove"
George Mikhail
George Mikhail 19-9-21 下午9:58
Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander 19-9-21 下午9:58
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 19-9-21 下午9:58
Denny  Lara
Denny Lara 19-9-21 下午9:58
Carsten-Joachim   Müller
Carsten-Joachim Müller 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Feel for Dancing - Top"
Tsi Joseph Tayong
Tsi Joseph Tayong 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Thumbs up"
Geoff Ashford
Geoff Ashford 19-9-21 下午9:58
Daniel Almeida
Daniel Almeida 19-9-21 下午9:58
Joshua Hudes
Joshua Hudes 19-9-21 下午9:58
Thitiwat Rongthong
Thitiwat Rongthong 19-9-21 下午9:58
"A little bit boring. Cool rapping and cool instruments' arrangement."
Pierre Poupart
Pierre Poupart 19-9-21 下午9:58