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- 創作歌手 歌曲作者 藝人 錄音室 作曲人 演唱人
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- 廣義搖滾 另類 獨立 搖滾 哥德式 流行 重金屬 龐克
My name is Samuel Sandman. I am a composer and lyricist. My musical home is the rock and pop music. I offer artists, singers, artists, record labels, producers, publishers of my songs. My songs and lyrics are deep, melancholic, powerful, groovy, sophisticated and all have hit potential. If you're interested in my songs, you set here or samuelsandmann@gmx.de with me. Audio samples can be found at: www.youtube.com/sandmannmusik and www.soundcloud.com/sandmannmusik. I would appreciate your contact. Rock on, Samuel Sandman