- Hauptaktivität
- Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
- Haupt-Genre
- Sprachkenntnisse
- Italienisch Deutsch Französisch
- Nebenaktivitäten
- Promotion Geschäfts-Dienstleistungen
- Neben-Genre
- Folk Rock Rock & Roll Alternative
Persönliches Profil
Clara Zicaro, 19, is passionate about music, dance and the performing arts. She studies viola, voice-singing and she is a contemporary dancer at the Conservatoire La Garenne Colombes. Clara is focused on marketing and promotion of HorizonVU artists. This start-up was founded in 2009, under the lead of the CEO Phillip Cartwright. Willing to help music people to expand their network, she will be one of the French representatives of Music2Deal. Developing the music industry in France is one of her priority.
Horizonvu Group LLC (DBA HorizonVU Music) is a global start-up company specialized in working with selected emerging musicians to enhance their careers. The activities of the company are focused on female artists in rock, alternative, and folk.