提供歌曲 (1)

Walk on By

  • 2014-3-27
  • Brit-Pop
  • English
音乐风格 Brit-Pop
语言 English
节奏 mid-Tempo
  • Cheerful
声音 male
作者 NUTWOOD K.Jenkins - J.Lande - R.Vannier
发布日期 19032014
Walk on By song body has been composed within a week time by Kris.
NUTWOOD English/French rock band based in Normandy France. The band is comprised of: Kris – Vocals/Bass (English native) Jerome – Guitar/Backing vocals (French native) Romain – Drums (French native) All 3 members are experienced musicians with years of performing under their belts in varied bands and projects around Europe. NUTWOOD came to life in 2013 after the 3 members paths crossed and they discussed the possibility of creating songs together mixing up melodic Pop vocal melodies with frantic distorted Bass lines and sharp Guitar riffs played over solid and powerful Drum patterns with an overall Rock n Roll groove stamped on top.
Walk On By MASTER mp3


Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 19-9-21 下午9:58
"I really like it ! Sounds very good !"
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Cool vibe.. :)"
Joe Vegna
Joe Vegna 19-9-21 下午9:58
Georges Perot
Georges Perot 19-9-21 下午9:58
Michael  Brass
Michael Brass 19-9-21 下午9:58
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 19-9-21 下午9:58
"great song!"
Jutta König
Jutta König 19-9-21 下午9:58