Business Offer

Main activity
Main genre
Language skills
French   English  
Film/TV   Remixer & Studio   Recording Studio   lyricist   Radio   Gaming   Composer   Media   Audio Engineer   Songwriter   Singer Songwriter  
Soundtrack   Instrumental   House   Alternative   Unclassifiable   Chanson   Dance Electronica   Pop   Jingles   Musical   Techno  

Personal profile

- I like every kind of music - Open-minded composer with a rich musical culture interested in all kinds of visual & digital arts, game soundtracks, CG transmedia projects and multi-platforms, adverts & movies, radio jingles, creative and original sonic identities. - Classical training (piano, organ, drums) - Passionate of sound synthesis and electronic culture with a touch of emotions - Interested and available for all serious stuff Feel free to contact me to elaborate your project.

Company profile