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Film/TV   Firma fonograficzna   Dystrybucja   Digital & Mobile   Wydawca  
Dodatkowa kategoria
Rock & Roll   German Schlager   Rock   Gospel & Religious   Funk   Metal   Soundtrack   Spoken   Punk   Classical   Ska   Reggae   Nie do zaklasyfikowania   World   Gothic   Easy Listening   Latin   Techno   Muzyka dla dzieci   Instrumental   Chanson   Dance Electronica   Soul   Country   House   Folk   R&B   Alternative   Oldies   Hip-Hop   Musical   Brit-Pop   Jazz   Blues   Experimental   Rap   Pop   Jingles   Indie  

Osobisty profil

Profil firmy

Rendez-Vous Digital is an innovative music licensing company that provides audio and video monetization solutions through strategic marketing and technology. We create and design thematic music compilations optimized for making your recordings appealing and accessible to worldwide audiences. We offer solutions to monetize your music and your videos on YouTube by creating and entirely managing channels with your content. We offer sync and licensing placements.