Licences offres (1)


  • 17 oct. 2016
  • Alternative
  • Anglais
Info principale
Genre Alternative
Langue Anglais
Utilisez pour
  • Commercial
  • Film
  • Compilation
master track available Oui
Tempo tempo-lent
  • dramatique
  • triste
  • Ballad
  • sérieux
  • mélancolique
  • Calm
Voix homme
Date de sortie 2016
Artiste de sortie Jamil Alaoui
Infos Licences
Exclusive Licence only, at £900.00
Info sur la chanson
An introspective, evolving piece, at 76 bpm. Highly usable for British Film soundtrack, with Urban appeal, relationship and personal trauma, but also for the complex, cultural-fusion vibes. A thought-provoking look at where someone is in life, not too happy, and how a relationship floundered due to bad "Timing" in the trajectories of their lives, and someone's need for more and more "Space". A smooth Hip-Hop rap line intersperses with the more melodic versing, Arabian backing-vocals, and dystopian, distorted rock-guitar riffs.
Timing 2016-08-21

Note et Commentaires

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21/09/19 21:58