提供歌曲 (1)

Candy Timson - Open Up A Bottle

  • 2015/2/4
  • 實驗派
  • 英文
Candy Timson - Open Up A Bottle
類別 實驗派
語言 英文
節奏 up-Tempo
  • Energetic
  • Happy
  • Serious
  • Sad
  • Groovy
  • Melancholic
  • Dramatic
  • Danceable
聲線 男聲
作者 Candy Timson & DS Bass
發佈藝人 Candy Timson & DS Bass
Hastily cobbled together with lyrics that had been sat gathering dust for many a year, when Candy started bopping to the bass-line the bassist (Drew) ordered Candy to put some of his fine words to it! Open Up With Jack fitted the bill and describes the feeling of euphoria and abandonment that alcohol can create!! Bassy, Boomy and Grungy, this song could be a keeper :)
Drew Sewell & Candy Timson thrashed it out in about 5 minutes (this is take 3) and is the first ever recording of this intriguing artistic Duo. ps This was an experiment while influenced by the said alcoholic beverage and the odd doobage :) ---'
Candy Timson - Open up with Jack
照片 & 影片


Sebastian Kozlowski
Sebastian Kozlowski 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Strange but good"
Chalam +
Chalam + 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Bottle, booze & bass rock! A ear candy. :)"
Twin League
Twin League 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Karl Bonomeo
Karl Bonomeo 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"I see even some aspects of the mothers of invention :-)"
Bogdan L
Bogdan L 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 2019/9/21 下午 9:58