提供艺人 (1)

Just Zoe

  • 2014-7-2
    • Pop
    • Country
  • Solo artist
Just Zoe
  • Pop
  • Country
类型 Solo artist
国家 United Kingdom
  • English
  • Recording
  • Business Services
  • Live
Just Zoe, nothing more, nothing less. A singer-songwriter from manchester living in London trying to bring the sound of Nashville to London with a sort of Mancunian country twang to her voice. Growing up on Andrew Lloyd Webber and Lancashire folk music goodness knows how she discovered the likes of Taylor Swift and alanis morisette and incorporated their sound into her music. The different guitar tunings she uses inspires a more unique sound and lyrics she never knew she could write however it also means she's surrounded by guitars whenever she plays live so if you see her juggling a few on the way to a gig, give her a hand? Ultimate goal you ask? Take over the world from her bedroom? Well not quite as ambitious as that, she'd just like to bring a smile to your face for three minutes or so, or give you a hug through a song and tell you its ok, or maybe just tell you a story. Zoe is currently studying songwriting at the institute of contemporary music performance, so you can often see her playing around London once or twice a week and she'd love you to say hello! Have a beautiful day!
Where Were You? Just Zoe
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Chalam +
Chalam + 19-9-21 下午9:58
"Zoe voice glows! Reminds me of Taylor Swift. :)"
Michael  Brass
Michael Brass 19-9-21 下午9:58
"sweet tune"
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers 19-9-21 下午9:58
"It's all right but the song needs fine tuning and the vocals are weak in places."