Oferecimento de Artistas (1)


  • 17/set/2015
    • Soundtrack
    • Instrumental
    • ...
  • Solo artist
  • Soundtrack
  • Instrumental
  • Easy Listening
Tipo Solo artist
País United Kingdom
  • English
  • Business Services
Dimitar aka Dikital, is an inspired and motivated artist that both runs his own projects and a variety of collaborations with other musicians.So far Dimitar has realized three album/releases,as a drummer with various rock bands,dikital took participation in couple of compilation CD's, he has also released several solo materials EP’s,DikitalSearch(EP),”PureDelight”(EP),”Parallel Universes”(EP),and singles “Midnight Traffic”and “Up and the air” which are amazing ambient cinematic dub releases. Dimitar Dimcheski is a professional drummer and Percussion player,being involved in the studio activity for the last ten years, recording, and working as an audio engineer.
Dikital - Rain
Dikital - Long Away
Dikital - Midnight Traffic
Fotos & Video

Votos e comentários

Markus Zauner
Markus Zauner 21-09-2019 21:58
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers 21-09-2019 21:58
"Not much happening to be honest. Some good ideas but they appear half finished."
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21-09-2019 21:58