
Atividades principais
Music Producer
Estilo principal
Easy Listening
Language skills
Atividades secundárias
Estilo secundário
Easy Listening  

Perfil pessoal

Dimitar Dimcheski is an independent solo artist who also records and performs with a wide range of musicians. At the same time, Dimitar performs on and produces records for independent artists and producers around the world. Originaly from Skopje (Macedonia) Dimitar aka Dikital, is an inspired and motivated artist that both runs his own projects and a variety of collab​oratio​ns with other musici​ans.So far Dimitar has realized three album/​releas​es,as a drummer with various rock bands,​as Dikital he took partic​ipation in many compilation CD's, he has also released several solo materials EP’s,D​ikital​Search​(EP),”​PureDe​light”​(EP),”​Parall​el Univer​ses”(E​P),and singles “Midnight Traffic”, “Up and the air”,Long Away... which are amazing ambient cinematic dub releases. Dimitar Dimcheski is a profes​sional drummer and Percussion player​,being involved in the studio activity for the last ten years, recording, and working as an audio engineer.

Perfil da empresa

And now, as the artist known as Dikital, he’s also been composing and releasing his own Electronica compositions. The latest EP, “Parallel Universes,” is full of the ethereal melodies and down-tempo rhythms that have made his songs so popular. The title track is a bright, airy mix of dancing melodies layered atop a shifting, serpentine beat that’s as delicate as it is enchanting. “Long Away,” like many tracks, shows an Eastern influence. The instrumentation takes on exotic flavors easily, blending them into the soundscapes to create something alien yet familiar. “Rain” features Middle-Eastern drums and sitar that flows like incense smoke. Since its release the album has been gaining praise and attention, and with good reason. “Parallel Universes” twinkles and pulses with otherworldly harmonies, and beats that march forward with inexorable certitude. The slower rhythms give “Parallel Universes” a hypnotic and intoxicating languor as the tracks slink and slide their way out of the speakers and into your mind. Musically, Dikital draws from a deep well of influences from Electronic to Rock and Ethno Jazz World music.