Tytuł: Supervisors and agents discuss placements: June 2015

  1. piątek, 24 lipca 2015 15:19:59
    Michael Leahy
    Mdem finished in June 2015. This is a piece about "Concrete tips to get your music synched". Guess what: it's not easy! http://cannes-or-bust.com/2015/07/placing-music-in-film-the-pro-tips/
  2. wtorek, 1 września 2015 22:33:22
    ela von schöning
    Hi Michael, would love to future my Songs.... Regards Ela
  3. środa, 2 września 2015 08:05:49
    Michael Leahy
    Hi Ela. I don't understand your message. :-(
  4. środa, 2 września 2015 08:34:21
    Julian Angel
    Dear Ela, we have a workshop about placing songs in film, tv and commercials at this year's MusicBiz Madness Conference in Frankfurt, Germany (October 11, 2015). www.musicbizmadness.de/mbm2015