Oferta de músicas (1)

BoLeRo baJzeLa

  • 24/jan/2017
  • Unclassifiable
  • English
BoLeRo baJzeLa
Informações principais
Gênero Unclassifiable
Idioma English
Tempo down-Tempo
  • Dramatic
Voz male
Autor bajzel
Danta de lançamento 2016
Artista bajzel
Descrição da música
it`s song made by the Bolero Ravela
Informações do autor
Bajzel [meaning: mess] is the purest definition of "one man show" and "one man band". He is a band. He is a musical chameleon tap dancing on pedals, live-looping guitar, bass and beats into virtuosic alternative art-rock exhilaration. Key facts: His first LP was a breakthrough. Newsweek gave him a 2-page spread and hailed as best promising alternatvie artist. His video for "Window" won the director prize at Yach Film Music Video Awards (also was included in the compilation Woodstock Film Festival 2008). Bajzel took part in such festivals as SXSW Festival (USA), OFF-festival (PL) and Heineken Opener (PL). He was also invited to play live on MTV Iggy in New York. Music genre: It's hard to characterize with one accurate determination any music, but some people have tried to describe Bajzel's music, they included these terms: -blend of experimental, unpredictable, whimsical garage, indie, sexy electro and hints of folk -mixture of electro-infused rock -virtuostic alternative art-rock exhilaration -distortion-packed dance -rock and electronic madness
3.BoLeRo baJzeLa
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Votos e comentários

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21-09-2019 21:58