Artist offers (1)

Used to

  • Mar 13, 2014
    • Pop
  • Band
  • Pop
Type Band
Country Switzerland
  • English
  • Recording
My first Videoclip! Was great fun, filming it as it was in a eventlocation where everything was under one roof! It was called "Chicago 28".
02 Used to

Votes and comments

Mag Pie
Mag Pie 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Nice. I like the old Burlesque feel."
Olaf Fabry
Olaf Fabry 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Es sich anhören, macht sehr großen Spaß! Großartig die (Telefon-)Stimme, die rhythmischen Pausen, das ganze Feeling ..."
Jutta König
Jutta König 9/21/19 9:58 PM
"Fein gemacht ... und die fröhliche Art kommt auch gut 'rüber."