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PLAYATPOPKOMM Rules & Regulations Contest Name : PlayAtPOPKOMM Contest Starts : 01st August 2010 Contest Ends : 20th August 2010 Announcement of the finalists : 16th August 2010 Announcement of the winner : 21st August 2010 Purpose of the contest : To select an export ready band which will open the POPKOMM showcase in Berlin to a crowd of thousands on the 8th September 2010. Who is hosting the contest? : Music2Deal India and POPKOMM 2010 Venue : The Cyberspace (www.music2deal.com/playatpopkomm) The winner : Flies to Berlin on an all expense paid trip to open the POPKOMM showcase. If lucky, the winner might also get signed up with an international record label. Does the winner get paid? : No the winner won't be paid anything in cash or kind before, after or during the contest. Who can apply? Anyone (male or female) of an Indian origin residing anywhere in the world Should have a valid passport Must not possess a criminal background Must be a solo artist / band with atleast 2 original compositions Must have atleast one visual of his / her / their performance on any of the original compositions Who cant apply? Bathroom singers (Those who are not solo artists / bands) Sad Bollywood Cover Singers (Puhhhlllzzz, We need original compositions only) Criminals (Artists who do not have 2 original compositions and a minimum of 1 visual) How do I apply? For the Tech Savvy - Create a snazzy profile on music2deal.com and upload 2 songs. After you are done, send us a mail at playatpopkomm@music2deal.com along with the music2deal profile link. Dont forget a link of your visual if its on youtube or simply attach the visual file to the mail. For the non-techies - Send us a mail with a brief about yourself + 2 photographs + 2 of your original compositions + 1 visual file. We will create a profile for you on music2deal.com and send you a mail confirming the same. Procedure for shortlisting Each application will undergo a rigorous scrutiny by our panel of judges. Each of the judges will rate the applicant on a scale of 1 to 10. We will compile the scores to arrive at a total score for each applicant to enable shortlisting. We will contact the ones who keep inching forward through the shortlisting procedure. The ones who don't make it through our judges scores won't get a mail from us. Parameters of Judging Just one word statement should sum it all – WE NEED AN EXPORT READY ARTIST!! Announcements / Updates on the Shortlisting Process Please keep checking the following for daily updates : http://www.music2deal.com/mymusic;jsessionid=D0B3FACC18ED5811A8E81B2362C9B979 www.music2deal.com/playatpopkomm Our Facebook Group – http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=119484741412942 Follow us on Twitter – www.twitter.com/Music2DealIndia Check us out on Myspace – www.myspace.com/music2dealindia Announcement of the winner On the 21st August 2010, we will be announcing the winner on the above mentioned web urls as well as on this page. What does the winner get? An all expense paid trip to Berlin, Germany to open up the POPKOMM showcases to a crowd of thousands!!! All about POPKOMM 2010 www.popkomm.com All about Music2Deal Worldwide www.music2deal.com The M2D Wild Card Entry Music2Deal.com reserves its right to select one applicant of its choice to directly enter the finals and compete against the finalists. However we would publicly declare this WILD CARD APPLICANT. So be nice to us!! Why in the world are we doing this? What's our interest? For all you crooked, selfish &corrupt minds out there – Lets for once stop thinking about selfish interests and play for the love of India and Indian Music!!! Its time to showcase our music to the world!!! Its high time that we make a difference!!! Please bear with us Please dont bog us down with stupid questions or spam our inbox. We hope you understand that we are chasing a very tight deadline with very no support from the local music industry or the concerned in positions of power who can make a difference. Its not a customer support mail id but an email id that intends to make a difference to you. playatpopkomm@music2deal.com Disclaimer : By applying for the contest you agree to comply with all the rules and regulations of the contest which may / may not be stated here. The rules and regulations of the contest may change from time to time without any prior notice. Selection of the winner will be at the sole discretion of the panel of judges and Music2Deal e.K., Hamburg, Germany. Under specific circumstances Music2Deal e.K. reserves the right to override the decision of the jury and select the winning contestant at its sole discretion.