提供藝人 (1)

Marina La Valle

  • 2016/9/9
    • 原聲帶配樂
  • 獨唱藝人
Marina La Valle
  • 原聲帶配樂
種類 獨唱藝人
國家 義大利
  • 義大利文
  • 錄音
I can write a song in 2 minutes and express any kind of thought
01 Non guardarmi 3
mp3 sogni e realta 060210 base
10 Mille volti 10 3 wav 1
02 segreti e sguardi 3 1
01 Sogni e Realtà wave
照片 & 影片


Chalam +
Chalam + 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Eddy B. Walding
Eddy B. Walding 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"musica bella italiana *o*"
Prasanna Ramaswamy
Prasanna Ramaswamy 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Madam Tone Tasha
Madam Tone Tasha 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Rupert Cheek
Rupert Cheek 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Giorgio Koppehele
Giorgio Koppehele 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Great Stuff:)!"
Laurent Gelmetti
Laurent Gelmetti 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"I guess Marina has songwriting skill written into her genetic destiny !"
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Very good song!!"
cesli vane
cesli vane 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Well balanced between the prevailing romantic atmosphere of the songs@a charismatic voice - full of character"
Mona Edwardsson
Mona Edwardsson 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"10 mille volti, wonderful track!"