Business Offer

Main activity
Business Services
Main genre
Rock & Roll
Language skills
French   Spanish   English   Italian  
Business Services   Distribution   Recording Studio   Venue   Audio Engineer   Concert Promoter   Artist   Management   A&R   Agencies & Brands   Gaming   Booking   DJ   Media   Publisher   Film/TV   Remixer & Studio   Record Label   Promotion   Organization   Composer   Music Producer   Digital & Mobile   Songwriter   Vocalist   Event Agency   Film Producer   other   Radio   PR Agency   Education   Singer Songwriter  
Instrumental   Rock & Roll   Rock   Dance Electronica   Soul   Gospel & Religious   Funk   Country   Metal   Soundtrack   House   Folk   Spoken   R&B   Alternative   Punk   Classical   Oldies   Ska   Reggae   Hip-Hop   Musical   Brit-Pop   Jazz   Blues   World   Experimental   Gothic   Easy Listening   Latin   Rap   Pop   Jingles   Indie   Techno   Children's Music  

Personal profile

Fernando Fazzari is member of LARAS (LATIN GRAMMYS) among other award shows, also he is a recepient of the AMP award given by ASCAP for his work and dedication to the promotion of LATIN ROCK in the US.

Company profile

Fazzari Entertainment is a "one stop" for all music services, from distribution digital/phisical to bookinngs, just to name a few facets of what we do.