提供歌曲 (1)

Alice Lost

  • 2013/1/25
  • 原聲帶配樂
  • 英文
類別 原聲帶配樂
語言 英文
節奏 mid-Tempo
  • Dramatic
聲線 無演唱
作者 Anthony Saab
發佈日期 2012
發佈藝人 Anthony Saab
Check my profile.
Alice Lost


Thomas Alexander
Thomas Alexander 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"very nice piece of work, I hear a sound track in the future, well done"
Martin Thorwarth
Martin Thorwarth 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Edwin Lattouf
Edwin Lattouf 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"i voted because it deserves... ;)"
Malcolm Dedman
Malcolm Dedman 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Well done! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to hear this dramatic piece. Malcolm"
Elia Moussawer
Elia Moussawer 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"awesome one :D"
Colin  Pyle
Colin Pyle 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Excellent composition."
Bassem Deaibess
Bassem Deaibess 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"A great piece of art... with endless emotions"
Thomas Rodenbach
Thomas Rodenbach 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Andrea Baskin
Andrea Baskin 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Jimmy Gallagher
Jimmy Gallagher 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"I do like the string arrangements!"
Billy Ross
Billy Ross 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Great track Anthony."
Volkan Gücer
Volkan Gücer 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Nice and clean work !"
Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind
Music2Deal Support - Petra Lind 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Great movie soundtrack!"
Karim Noujaim
Karim Noujaim 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Rolando Belli
Rolando Belli 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Olaf Fabry
Olaf Fabry 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Selim Bassal
Selim Bassal 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Balkanika Music Television
Balkanika Music Television 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
Nami Moukheiber
Nami Moukheiber 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Done ! this is where I vote for it right ?"
Peter Fosso
Peter Fosso 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Well done! Nicely dramatic, movie soundtrack music."