L'abonnement Basic de Music2Deal est complètement gratuit. Mais vous pouvez bénéficier des avantages d'un abonnement Premium, soit en achetant des crédits ou en invitant des amis de l'industrie musicale à rejoindre Music2Deal.Fonctionalités | Basic | Premium | Premium Plus | Premium Executive |
Je m'inscris | Surclassement | Surclassement | Surclassement | |
par mois, 100 Crédits = 1,00 EUR
Gratuit | 500 Crédits | 1500 Crédits | 2500 Crédits |
Nombre maximum d'offres
1 | 5 | 25 | 50 |
Nombre maximum de demandes
10 | 20 | 50 | 100 |
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The ability to show your music and wants only to your business friends
Friend Filter
This filter helps you to organize your network
Special icon on your profile, in search results and Top 5
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Promote Posts, Events, Music Offers, or Needs beyond your business friends circle on the Pinboard to all members in your area or to all areas of Music2Deal every 5 or 10 days.
same area - 10 days | same area - 5 days | all areas - 10 days | |
Je m'inscris | Surclassement | Surclassement | Surclassement |
Limité * = Only the first two members will be displayed completely. Others will be shown without picture and their profile will not be linked.