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Букинг   Специалист в области Digital & Mobile  

Личный профиль

Mats Alpberg is a successful and creative entrepreneur with extensive knowledge and capabilities in field of start-ups, business development, innovative brand positioning, marketing and sales. Mats have 20 years of experience from telecom business from roles as CEO, Marketing Director, Founder, Business and Format developer, as well as Creative Director. He is holding an influential network within the music and entertainment industry and a proven ability to utilize it in through innovative start up’s, partnerships and communication activities.

Профиль компании

TRACKLIB - MUSIC STARTS HERE We offer all music rights holders that want market and sell their stems and track a new and unique Download Stems & Tracks Music Store where we also protect all materials with our patent pending water mark technology. - What we do: It’s all in the name – The Track Library. A new library and music store for individual tracks from famous songs and good music. - Because today music is made from dragging & dropping ready-made building blocks. - But music rights holders still only sell stereo tracks and are sitting on an enormous goldmine that music makers want access to. - Tracklib opens this musical treasure chest with a download store for musical building blocks – individual tracks, stems and loops. - It’s all made possible by our world-unique patent pending Watermarking technology to protect individual tracks and trace them even when used in new compositions. Everyone benefits: music companies, labels, publishers, artists, producers, lyricists and musicians. The company has a strong foundation with stable owner and several have worked in the music industry for many years. The company is funded for many years to come. We would like to meet you to discuss possible forms of cooperation as we believe that our respective companies pursue the same objectives. - To make life easier for artists and musicians. - To earn more money on their compositions and additionally reach out to a wider audience. Business Model: Nothing new, we use the same business model, such as iTunes (single track downloads). www.tracklib.com