Chansons offres (2)

Rejoice for the King

  • 7 nov. 2018
  • Rock
  • Anglais
Rejoice for the King
Info principale
Genre Rock
Langue Anglais
Tempo tempo-moyen
  • mélancolique
Voix homme
Auteur Carl Jirlow
Date de sortie 2018
Artiste de sortie Humble Moon
Info sur la chanson
New single from the Swedish band Humble Moon
Info sur l'auteur
Humble Moon is a new Swedish rock band with influences from the 70's glam era . Band is willing to tour and are interested in a record deal and synch offers.
Humble Moon - Rejoice for the King - 240830AH MASTER
Photos & Video

Note et Commentaires

Denora Music
Denora Music 21/09/19 21:58
"good song"
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21:58
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21/09/19 21:58
"Good rock song"
Eric Theiss
Eric Theiss 21/09/19 21:58
"Particular Voice"
Marilyn Oakley
Marilyn Oakley 21/09/19 21:58


  • 28 juil. 2016
  • Rock
  • Anglais
Info principale
Genre Rock
Langue Anglais
Tempo tempo-moyen
  • emballé
Voix homme
Auteur Chad Neal
Artiste de sortie Debbie Ray
Info sur la chanson
Maybe the next single from DR
Info sur l'auteur
Debbie Ray a great band from the west coast of Sweden
Promises Ruff MIX
Photos & Video

Note et Commentaires

Susanna Lepianka
Susanna Lepianka 21/09/19 21:58
Mario Christiani
Mario Christiani 21/09/19 21:58
David Ian Hardwick
David Ian Hardwick 21/09/19 21:58
"Really great rock!"
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 21/09/19 21:58
Denora Music
Denora Music 21/09/19 21:58
"nice one !"
Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 21/09/19 21:58
Reiner Keller
Reiner Keller 21/09/19 21:58
"Straight Rock Song ! Gooood !!"
Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 21/09/19 21:58
Björn Djerf
Björn Djerf 21/09/19 21:58
Paweł Tomaszewski
Paweł Tomaszewski 21/09/19 21:58
Tim Spencer
Tim Spencer 21/09/19 21:58
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21/09/19 21:58
"good production, excellent rock song"
Markus Zauner
Markus Zauner 21/09/19 21:58
Eric Theiss
Eric Theiss 21/09/19 21:58
"Good for 90s-era"