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Founded by Peter Fosso (American), Global Music Project has important programs that support others, such as donating musical instruments to the underprivileged. Global Music Project's events help raise the funds needed to support the organization while they also serve to promote local artists and other causes. We're currently building our team in Sweden. If you're an artist, come play at an event and maybe you or someone you know can be part of our events team. Contact us for more information.


Global Music Project is a global non-profit organization [if you're in the U.S. please see the main profile at http://www.music2deal.com/us/globalmusicproject]. Our mission is to help others make a difference through the power of music: Concerts for a cause, charity events, films, volunteering. Visit http://globalmusicproject.org > > > > > > > > Hey, want to launch Global Music Project in YOUR country? Let's talk.