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Andy Platon known as "Soundland" is a young and talented composer, producer, songwriter, orchestrator, sound engineer and artist from Borsec (Romania). <BR> <BR> History <BR> <BR> Since he was a child he liked the music and sports, so his parents decided to let him to take karate lessons, but also guitar lessons. He started to study at the “Popular School of Arts” from Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania, after 3 years finishing his studies. As an artist, during the years he played, in different bands (from symphony to pop, pop-rock, soul, hip-hop and other genres), in concerts with known artists and bands, being always surrounded by positive appreciations. <BR> <BR> In 2003 he discovered his real passion, as composer. Initially he debuted in Hip-Hop music but after several attempts he started to produce and write songs from all kind of musical genres. <BR><BR> In 2009 he debuted (on Antena 1’s TV show “Neata cu Razvan si Dani”) with the song: Lost Without You, composed, produced and written by himself. The song became a hit at the radio stations (Turkey, France, Italy, Russia, UK). Furthermore, with this song, he was chosen for the possible nominees at the United Kingdom’s contest, Shockwaves NME Awards 2010. <BR><BR><BR> Present <BR><BR> In present, he is working with great artists from the music industry (Romanians & International), but also he is working on the one of the official soundtracks for the Romanian movie: USL <BR><BR> Instruments: Electric guitar, Acoustic guitar, Bass guitar, Piano, Synthesizer …<BR> Genres: Pop, Hip-Hop, Rap, Soul, R&B, Dance, Rock, House, Club, Reggae …<BR> <BR> Contact address:<BR> soundlandsound@yahoo.com <BR><BR> Link's: <BR> http://www.myspace.com/soundlandsound <BR> http://twitter.com/Soundland <BR> http://www.facebook.com/soundland <BR> http://www.youtube.com/soundlandsound <BR> http://www.ilike.com/user/SoundLand <BR> http://www.numberonemusic.com/andyplatonsoundland <BR>
