アーティスト売り込み (1)

Volkan Gücer

  • 2013/10/29
  • ソロ・アーティスト
Volkan Gücer
種類 ソロ・アーティスト
  • その他
  • ビジネス・サービス
  • 録音
I played flutes in live concerts of Agricantus, Milagro Acustico and Dreamin Istanbul. Also in recording sessions of various albums. Duduk, duduk-like Clarinet, Kaval and experimental Irish whistle player seeking studio sessions in Cologne. Available to travel to France, Belgium, Holland and other places. In the sound demos you will hear ; KHYAM : Low Irish Whistle (oriental scales) IKI AILE : Klarinet performed like duduk CHINESE : Hu-Lu-Si (Chinese Membrane Flute) AGRICANTUS DUDUK Armenian duduk AGRICANTUS ITALY LIVE Irish Low Whistles in world style (live stage performance) I also try to perform; Oriental, Celtic, Turkish, Armenian, Native American, Asian styles... Good for fusion recording and stage projects. Please ask for more sound demos. Also check videos : Turkish style reed kaval performance : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avAk890dZGY Oriental style Irish Low Whistle Performance : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpqm8deO8HU More info about Volkan Gücer's Ethnic Flute Instruments : http://www.volkangucer.com/winds.html
iki aile yeni mix
Agricantus ITALY LIVE Flutesmix
写真 & ビデオ


Georgina Hilton
Georgina Hilton 19/09/21 21:58
"lovely sounds"
Frank Miedema
Frank Miedema 19/09/21 21:58
Xenia Markella
Xenia Markella 19/09/21 21:58
George Mikhail
George Mikhail 19/09/21 21:58
Touraine Shaffer
Touraine Shaffer 19/09/21 21:58
"Some of your demos are soundtrack scene interludes. I can visualize them already"
Richard Rogers
Richard Rogers 19/09/21 21:58
"Volkan knows what he's doing with these unusual instruments."
Christine Ben-Ameh
Christine Ben-Ameh 19/09/21 21:58
Jürgen J. Fischer
Jürgen J. Fischer 19/09/21 21:58
"Sounds great, all pieces!"
Paul van Ackeren
Paul van Ackeren 19/09/21 21:58
"Your music is breathing very beautifully, it made me just close my eyes and listen!"
Jay Nichols
Jay Nichols 19/09/21 21:58
"Wonderful performance here!"
Dara Sepehri
Dara Sepehri 19/09/21 21:58
Andrew James Liles
Andrew James Liles 19/09/21 21:58
"How did I miss this portion of your profile??? Wonderful performances!"
Pierre Poupart
Pierre Poupart 19/09/21 21:58
Mag Pie
Mag Pie 19/09/21 21:58
"Peaceful sounds."
Ömer Oral
Ömer Oral 19/09/21 21:58
Önder Bilge
Önder Bilge 19/09/21 21:58
Yeshi Cetinbas
Yeshi Cetinbas 19/09/21 21:58
"great music, wonderful composer, inspiring fluteplayer......full of love & inspiration.......thank you for your music"