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使用Music2deal的一般条款和条件 P>“Music2deal”泛指所提供的服务受制于这些一般条款及细则及/或Music2deal e.k。 P>序言 P>
通过登录Music2deal,你接受下列一般条款和条件来使用music2deal。用户(以下定义为“会员”(单个)或“会员”(多个)进入此协议使用Rappstr.2,20146德国汉堡的Music2Deal EK。其他联系信息,商业登记资料,以及Music2Deal法定代表人可以在“关于本网站”上找到。由Music2Deal提供的服务仅限于在法定年龄上从事音乐事宜(或在最广泛的意义上牵扯到音乐专业方面)的人。在Music2Deal页面出现的“条款与条件”的链接下,即使该协议被终止,会员可被召集,打印出来,并下载或任何时候保存这些条款和条件。 < / P >
1.主题事项< / P >
1.1 在互联网上Music2Deal提供注册会员以虚拟平台汇集其他成员,特别是针对他们的音乐供需信息。Music2Deal分为五个( 5 )区域:业务联系,艺人,歌曲,音乐许可,歌唱者。五(5 )个区域分别分为要求和供需。在这个区域的要求和供需的艺人,歌曲,音乐许可和歌唱者一般会被命名为音乐提供和音乐要求,如下。< / P >
1.2 Music2Deal提供给注册会员三(3)选项: A)一个免费会员,在下文被称为“基本会员” , B)一个免费会员,在下文被称为“白金试用会员” ,和c)付费会员,在下文被称为“高级会员” < / P >
1.3持基本会员的可以在music2deal访问(和听)音乐供需信息。用户可以发布音乐的需求,业务联系的请求,以及展示自己的个人资料作为业务联系和供需并与其他用户进行交流。更多的应用,如“音乐代理”或“用户统计”也可在网站上操作。< / P >
1.4持高级会员的可以Music2Deal系统上传音乐文件( MP3格式,见网站上所阐述),并发布为“音乐提供信息' 。有关高级会员的相关费用的详情可以在每个成员的“我的Music2Deal ”下的“定价”看到。 “定价”下所列的费用是绑定的。 < / P >
1.5 Music2Deal通过电子邮件提供发票给持高级会员的用户。此外,music2deal应会阐述说自开具发票之日起由“我的Music2Deal ”区域里的会员下载为期一( 1 )年的发票。< / P >
1.6在开具发票的基础上高级会员应及时付款。< / P >
1.7付款可使用不同的借记程序进行,通过可接受的信用卡,或可用的在线支付系统。如果Music2Deal由于会员资金缺乏无法从会员指定的账户收取费用,会员应承担由此产生的任何,包括有关借方的任何项目或类似费用的银行收费,在该范围内所导致的费用都由会员产生。若从国外转账,会员需支付包括手续费的全部费用。 < / P >
1.8具有基本会员的成员一旦成功(注册已接受的)邀请两位(2)“业务朋友”(在音乐行业混迹的人)就会自动收到一个为期一个月的高级会员试用期。会在下个月考虑更多被邀请的“业务朋友”。拥有高级会员试用期,会员可以在Music2Deal系统上传两个(2)音乐文件,并使用它们来发布两条(2)音乐提供信息。< / P >
1.9高级会员或使用高级会员试用期的成员在统计模块可放大查看他个人资料的最后访客。< / P > 1.10
费用可能因地形而异,会员必须根据所居住的区域支付费用,不可以支付不同区域的费用。如果在你所在的国家没有合约,该合约将附属于负责该会员居住地的国家或地区。如果没有Music2Deal.com管辖范围内的国家,则由德国合约奏效。< / P >
1.11 Music2Deal只提供成员在此平台建立与其他成员交流和分享音乐供需信息,且只允许会员以提供技术应用来联系彼此。至于内容, Music2Deal不参与成员之间的任何交流。如果大家通过Music2Deal制定协议, Music2Deal不会是协议的订约人。每个成员应对协议中负有责任,彼此执行和/或履行该协议。如果成员通过Music2Deal未能就这些协定互相联络彼此,Music2Deal将不承担责任。此外,若成员之间违背签订的协议,Music2Deal没有义务承担责任< / P >
1.12会员应认可并同意,在技术上Music2Deal是不可能实现100 %的可用性。 Music2Deal应努力维持Music2Deal无间断的可用性。与维护,安全性或容量需求,且/或超出Music2Deal所能控制的事件(如公众通信网络的中断,电源故障等),可能会导致Music2Deal服务器的短暂故障或暂时中断。< / P >
1.13 Music2Deal的群版主有权选择自己的成员。他们可以自由选择一个成员是否可加入他们的群< / P >
1.14 Music2Deal的会员还会定期收到时事通讯以及关于会员的告示(例如:统计或通知)。用户可以从时事通讯里点击链接取消订阅。 < / P > 1.15
在Music2Deal,任何超越了Music2Deal的提供范围内的服务和内容供需,都需事先书面同意Music2Deal。< / P >
1.16 Music2Deal仅限于由可用于其他用途会员所提供的数据和/或信息,该数据和/或信息不能违反任何法律或一般条款和条件。在没有预先通知会员的情况下,Music2Deal有权删除网页上任何非法或禁止的数据和/或信息。 < / P >
2.注册< / P >
2.1会员必须先注册Music2Deal。< / P >
2.2会员保证并声明,所有他提供注册的数据是准确及完整的。在不拖延的情况下,会员应申报在Music2Deal上任何变更的注册数据。 < / P >
2.3在注册的时候,会员应保证并声明他/她是在法定年龄离,并从事广泛音乐上的工作(在最广泛的意义上,涉及音乐专业的)。< / P >
2.4会员应需密码进行注册。会员可不对外公开密码。 Music2Deal不会将密码泄露给第三方。< / P >
2.5完成注册程序,会员同意进入使用Music2Deal的服务协议。在Music2Deal使用该服务,通过激活会员资格接受他们的请求。一旦上述被认可该协议将生效。< / P >
2.6每个成员只允许注册一次,会员只能建立一(1 )个个人资料。< / P >
2.7在技术上,Music2Deal是不可能确认注册的会员是真实的个人。因此, music2deal对成员的真实身份不承担任何责任。每个成员都是全权负责检查另一名成员的真实身份。< / P >
3.撤销权< / P >
3.1会员有可能以书面方式(如通过信件或电子邮件)在两(2)个星期内不说明理由取消注册的基本资料或高级会员。这段时期从会员被Music2Deal激活开始,但不是在此之前收到这些指令。 < / P >
3.2会员有可能以书面方式(如通过信件或电子邮件)在两(2)个星期内不说明理由取消注册的高级会员。这段时期从会员被Music2Deal激活开始,但不是在此之前收到这些指令。< / P >
3.3对于满足取消上述各情况下的期限,取消通知的发送日期是决定性的。在上述各情况下,取消通知会以邮递方式发送到Music2Deal e.k., Rappstr. 2, 20146 Hamburg, Germany。会员或从Music2Deal页面上递交终止使用联系表格的通知或通过电子邮件至。在第8条下会员终止的权利不应受到本条3会员取消的权利的限制。< / P >
3.4在最后取消权期间如果Music2Deal已经开始执行该成员已注册会员的明确同意,那么取消权过早失效的会员取消权将失效,或如果该成员已开始为已注册的会员资格访问Music2Deal服务(例如:按照成员选择的类型成员可使用由Music2Deal服务提供给成员的服务)。在一个有效注销的情况下,按照法律规定双方应有义务恢复已经获得任何利益,并出具任何收益(如利息)。如果会员并未恢复完全或部分的利益,或者只能在恶劣的情况恢复他们,对于Music2Deal,则会员必须偿还相应的款值。在取消通知发出后的30天内会员必须履行退还的义务。< / P >
4.权利范围。对于履合同,成员应转让一切必要的权利。这包括: < / P >
4.1在数据库或数据网络 (即互联网,www等)利用录音的部分或全部,传输数据库或网络,存储,分配,且可通过电缆或传输其他媒体的,使会员的数据库/网络对原声/视觉感知和/或复有可用之处。< / P >
4.2宣传和“支架部分析”(即授权使用music2deal.com所展示的部分,包括标题提供者的名称和图像的使用,用于宣传目的)的权利。音乐的使用,然而,这只可能在该成员同意的前提下。 < / P >
5.成员义务。会员有义务:< / P >
5.1仅提供个人资料里真实和非误导性陈述和与其他成员的交流;< / P >
5.2他们所提供的材料不被限制在版权方面,或侵犯他人权利,或使用未经授权受法律保护的内容(如通过版权,商标,专利,实用新型专利或外观设计专利法),或宣传,推广,提议或分发受法律保护的任何产品或服务; < / P >
5.3所有他们的数据以及评论或作品辑和文本/歌词不含有攻击性,猥亵,或任何非法的方式;< / P > < P > 5.4要做到没有任何破坏Music2Deal的意图,包括其基础设施和功能的举止,特别是基础设施,这可能过于着重提出。当你使用Music2Deal网站时,通过使用的任何机制,软件或脚本。这是尤其真实的。该成员对上传到Music2Deal.com网站的数据是负有一定责任的或在其他方面提供给我们的数据不能干扰我们的网站或数据,也不能干扰电脑或我们的客户和成员的数据,且不含任何病毒和在技术上是可靠的; < / P >
5.5不得无理骚扰任何Music2Deal的成员(特别是垃圾邮件)或从事攻击或性导向的沟通(显性或隐性);< / P >
5.6不使用或推广被视为不公平竞争的任何商业行为,包括获取渐进式客户的行为(如连锁配送体系,多方式的销售或传销); < / P >
5.7不做任何阻拦,覆写,修改和/或复制Music2Deal的任何内容,除非说是为了正确使用Music2Deal服务的行为是必要的; < / P >
5.8不做任何分发或公开披露music2deal的网站内容或任何其他成员; < / P >
5.9不使用任何侮辱或诽谤的内容,不管说的内容是针对另一成员或操作人员或其他公司; < / P >
6.担保,责任和赔偿< / P >
6.1只在蓄意和重大过失的情况下,Music2Deal承担任何损害的责任。这也适用于履行和执行援助所造成的损害。在合同期内责任被限制于可预见的损害。< / P >
6.2 Music2Deal不承担: < / P >
6.2.1任何延误的上传(升级,价格变动,或付款)< / P >
6.2.2经济损失(所引发的或与本协议有关的)< / P >
< P > 6.3因不可抗力,包括(但不限于)恐怖主义,火灾,事故,内战,政府行为,供电故障,网络故障,罢工,封锁,和分包商或供应商的违约或破产,而导致违反本合同,任何一方都不需承担责任。< / P >6.4不管成员在Music2Deal提供了任何数据信息使其有利可行或链接到他们的任何外部网站,Music2Deal不会做任何担保或陈述。特别是,Music2Deal不能保证或代表上述数据和/或信息是真实或准确的,抑或是它满足或提供了任何个别目的。< / P >
6.5成员须以一切行动保障和豁免Music2Deal,包括损害索赔和断言由其他成员或第三方通过Music2Deal上的发布者对他人发布的内容的权利的侵犯进行的攻击。此外,对于成员使用Music2Deal服务,成员须以一切行动保障和豁免Music2Deal,包括损害索赔和断言由其他成员或第三方通过他人权利的侵犯对Music2Deal进行攻击。由于第三方权利的侵犯,包括所有合理的合法辩护费用,成员因承担Music2Deal蒙受的所有合理费用。所有其他的权利,包括由Music2Deal产生的损害索赔 ,特此不受影响。上述提及的义务不适用于的程度是成员不对侵权行为负责。< / P >
6.6若成员在活动发表一些侵犯第三方的权利的内容,会员应在其自己的开支以及依据Music2Deal的决定权,要么是获得使用权所述内容或提出所述内容无任何侵权。若成员在使用Music2Deal服务时侵犯第三方权利,则该成员应停止使用这种违反这些一般条款和条件以及法律,若在Music2Deal要求下。该成员可能会上报其他成员违反适用的法律的任何条款和一般条款和条件的条款和/或在Music2Deal利用页面上的联系表格的条件。< / P >
7.Music2Deal服务更改。Music2Deal有权保留修改和/或提供服务,或者在任何时候提供一些在会员注册时间里其他不同的提供服务,除非这是不合理的成员。< / P >
8.终止会员籍,偿还预付款< / P >
8.1会员可能会在任何时间段无故终止基本会员和白金试用会员。成员可以使用Music2Deal页面可用的联系表格或发送电子邮件至support@music2deal.com随时终止通知。终止通知应包括成员的注册名称和在Music2Deal网站注册使用的邮箱。< / P >
8.2的高级会员有三(3)个月的持续时间,且在持续时间结束前十四(14)个工作日内,由成员给予通知无故终止。该高级会员会自动延长三(3)个月,除非该高级会员被成员取消。< / P >
8.3会员可使用Music2Deal页面的联系表格或发送电子邮件至support@music2deal.com或来函Music2Deal提供终止通知。终止通知应包括会员注册名称和注册Music2Deal的邮箱。如果成员已终止的高级会员资格,成员有权保留一个免费的基本会员,直至终止生效。该规定不影响双方以正当理由的权利终止协议。< / P >
8.4一个正当的理由被定义为一个使得它不能接受Music2Deal持续到协议终止的结束期间的一个事件,考虑到个案的所有情况下和权衡 Music2Deal的利益对会员的冲突。一个正当的理由包括以下任何事件:< / P >
8.4.2如果成员违反合同义务,特别是在第2及5的一般条款和条件的陈述。< / P >
8.4.3如果music2deal的声誉遭到网络在线成员实质性的损害< / P >
8.4.4如果是个别成员损害其他成员< / P >
8.5若正当的理由与第8.3条一致且虽然Music2Deal终止合同的权利依照第8.4条,Music2Deal有权:删除会员发出警告内容的帖子,或阻止该成员访问Music2Deal服务。< / P >
8.6在下列情况下会员无权要求补偿任何预付款:如果Music2Deal依据第8.3条的正当理由已终止合同,如果Music2Deal按照第8.4条已封锁会员的访问,或者如果该成员已终止该协议。然而,如果以充分理由归功于Music2Deal,该成员终止协议,会员则有权要求报销任何预付款,在这种情况下不会被排除。< / P >
9.隐私政策,Music2Deal意识到,由会员在Music2Deal提供的任何数据对成员都是至关重要的,因此Music2Deal在处理这类数据尤为敏感。Music2Deal应当遵守所有适用法律规定的相关数据保护(德国数据保护法,欧洲数据保护指令及任何其他适用的数据保护法)。特别是,Music2Deal不得未经授权提供或以其他方式披露该成员的任何个人资料给任何第三方。Music2Deal处理成员数据的细节陈述于Music2Deal页面访问的数据保护政策。< / P >
10.最终条款< / P >
10.1本合同且任何额外的修改必须以书面形式告知是有效的。无存在二次协议。< / P >
10.2 Music2Deal无需理由保留随时修改这些一般条款和条件,除非修改是对会员不合理。Music2Deal应告知成员这些一般条款和条件的修订的通知。在收到通知后的两(2)个星期内如果成员对修订后的一般条款和条件的适用性无异议,则修订后的一般条款和条件应被会员视为接受。Music2Deal应通知成员一些关于成员反对的权利和在所述的相关异议期限。
10.3除非另有约定的一般条款和条件,会员可通过电邮至support@music2deal.com或使用Music2Deal页面的联系表格或通过信件递交的所有通知。 Music2Deal可能会通过电子邮件或通过成员公布在他或她的会员帐户成员的当前联系人数据给出的地址发送帖子。< / P >
10.4任何法规应包含在本合同或视为无效的或万一合同中任何漏洞,所有法规的法律效力得以维持。代替废弃的规则,规则应被视为有效的,最接近于缔约方所选择;同样适用于合同的漏洞< / P >
10.5下的这些表现的地方。在一般条款和条件下的执行地应在Music2Deal的主要营业地点。 < / P >
10.6管辖权归属,只要是法律上可容许的,应在Music2Deal的主要营业地点。< / P >
10.7这些一般条款条件和契约关系受德国法律管辖,,但不包括国际私法和联合国公约就合同而言被德国法律接纳的国际货物销售的规定。条款和条件对Music2Deal数据保护,“ Music2Deal ”是指服务提供受这些一般条款及细则及/或Music2Deal e.k的管制。在Music2Deal数据保护的这些条款和条件想告知你有关Music2Deal如何处理您的个人资料以及如何与Music2Deal的其他成员交流这方面的数据,使用Music2Deal的这些条款条件的补充和一般条款条件提供在大部分Music2Deal网页上。< / P >
Terms and Conditions on Data Protection of Music2Deal
"Music2Deal” refers to the service provided subject to these General Terms and Conditions and/or music2deal e.k.. In these terms and conditions on data protection Music2Deal would like to inform you about how Music2Deal handles your personal data and how you can exchange this data with other MEMBERS of Music2Deal. These terms and conditions supplement the General Terms and Conditions for using Music2Deal provided on most of the Music2Deal pages.
1. Personal Data
1.1. By personal data we mean information, which can be used to find out your identity. This, for example, is your full name, your address, your telephone number. Information about which content was requested by a certain IP address or which browser you used to access our website does not belong to this term.
1.2. Music2Deal shall collect, process and use your Personal Data in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1.3. Music2Deal shall use your Personal Data solely to provide you the Music2Deal Services on the Internet for which you have registered. Music2Deal only when requested and required for technology and/or legal compliance will share your Personal Data with a third party, either for advertising or for marketing or any other purposes as defined during the negotiations of Music2Deal with such 3rd parties.
1.4. Music2Deal needs to collect and process certain elements of your Personal Data in the course of the registration process. This data includes your password and/or your user name which might be visible to any Music2Deal-Member at any time if the hidden mode is not selected by the user. Music2Deal shall never disclose or pass your password and/or your user name on to any third party.
1.5. Furthermore, you will need to fill out the following Personal Data in the course of the registration process (mandatory fields): First name, Last name, Company name, e-mail Address, Main Business Activity. You should select one of the main activities shown on the site. An empty field labelled as “REFERENCE” where you state that you are involved professionally in music. Here you can also enter links which prove your credential or claims of being a music professional. The information entered here in this field is subsequently displayed on the profile as - "References". This information can be changed on “Edit profile” after your registration has been accepted.
1.6. Furthermore the following data can be added, edited and deleted on “Edit profile”: Profile Data, Main activity (selection box, options see website), Secondary activity (selection box, options see website), Company Profile, Personal Profile, References, Contact data, First name, Last Name, Company name, Street, Country, Phone 1, Phone 2, e-mail, Home, Date of Birth and upload a picture. In this context, each member can determine which data will be published and which will not be in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions agreement. If the data has been entered by the user, other Music2Deal members will be able to view this information without restrictions except for the username and the password. Visitors who are not registered on Music2Deal will not be allowed to see the following information even though it has been entered: Company Profile, Personal Profile, References, Street, Postcode, Phone 1, Phone 2, e-mail, Home, Date of Birth.
1.7. Music2Deal uses the Personal Data of the registered member for the below:
- administer your “member” accounts with Music2Deal
- verify your “member” identity
- process materials submitted by yourself - “ the member ”
- send information about similar products and services OR information which we think you might find useful
- carry out marketing analysis and make general improvements to the website
- obtain your views or comments on the services we provide
- ensure that content from the website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for the device you use to engage with Music2Deal
- carry out our obligations towards any 3rd parties and/or partners arising from any contracts or agreements entered into between you and us
1.8. Who may receive information about you
We only pass your personal data onto third parties when this is required to fulfil our business purposes (i.e. in particular to manage the services we are obliged to provide you with, e.g. to make your profile available to another user), when you have given your consent to this (e.g. when using an external application), or when we are obliged to on legal grounds, by court order, or at the request of another official authority. External service providers for our data processing (e.g. software contractors who enhance the Music2Deal website and/or develop internal and/or external applications), work with us after signing with us a very tight Non Disclosure Agreement. In all such instances, Music2Deal remains responsible to you for data processing.
We review each of these service providers beforehand with regard to the measures they have undertaken to ensure data protection and data security, thereby safeguarding the contractual provisions as stipulated by law for the protection of the personal data.
- Non-Member of Music2Deal: Music2Deal provides the option within the settings of a member's account to limit the data visible in his/her profile only to members of Music2Deal. This can be done by choosing “No” at the status for display as a “Public profile”. By choosing “Yes” the member's profile can be visited by general public not identifiable by Music2Deal e.g. the general public can visit such public profiles by using search engines or other such direct links and Music2Deal won´t be able to identify such visitors in any way whatsoever as this is beyond the control of Music2Deal.
- Invited people: As a member of Music2Deal you can invite other people to become a member on Music2Deal. As soon as they accept your invitation and join Music2Deal they are added to your “business friends” list on Music2Deal. During this process of invitation, Music2Deal collects personal data of the member being invited and processes it solely for the purpose of invitation. Music2Deal will not use such data for any other purpose. It is important to note that when a member sends an invitation to the recipient, the recipient will be able to see the following information: First name, Last name, Company name, Photo, Main Activity, Country and City.
- Technical partners receive access to data for the development and operation of applications of Music2Deal. Technical partner could be: Public authorities and courts, Technical service providers, Hosting providers, Ad server providers, E-mail sending providers, E-mail marketing providers, Marketing automation software providers, CRM providers, Software developers, Agencies, Market research and survey tool providers, Remarketing/Retargeting providers, Sales service providers and call centres, Service providers for advertising campaigns and the display of ads, Providers of tools for website use analysis, R&D cooperation partners, Other platform providers for the purpose of "Social Plugins" and Event partners.
- Our members possess the ability by clicking the button “external connections” to connect and to disconnect their accounts with external social media accounts e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. For each social media connection made our member can set up the following:
- Share new offers: Each newly created Offer on will be shared automatically with these external social media accounts, unless the profile is marked as private.
- Share new wants: Each newly created Want on will be shared automatically with these external social media accounts, unless the profile is marked as private.
- Share votes: Each new like or vote on will be shared automatically with these external social media accounts, unless the profile is marked as private.
- Connect external profile: For each external account you have connected to Music2Deal, the corresponding social media connection is denoted by an icon (the logo of the social media company). This is visible besides your name which appears on the Music2Deal profile page.
- Whenever you choose a premium membership we process your payment information such as your credit card and bank details. We also process information and share this information with our Payment Service providers, receivables management providers and/or debt collection providers.
- In the event that we sell some or all of our business interests and/or assets to any third party or as part of any business restructuring or reorganisation (in such circumstances we will take steps to ensure that your privacy continues to be protected) or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your Personal Data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
- In-case Music2Deal And/Or all/partial/substantial of its assets are acquired by a third party, then in this case - Personal Data held by Music2Deal about its members will be one of the transferred assets.
- If we reasonably believe that we are under a duty to disclose or share your Personal Data as required by law (for example, if required to do so by a court order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime) or in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply other agreements we may have with you; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Music2Deal, our customers, or other public in general. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
1.9. We save those data until the respective user either deletes this data themselves or their user account is deleted.
1.10. Music2Deal uses a security system that protects any personal information that is stored on our servers from unauthorised use. However, as no data transmissions over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, we cannot take responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our reasonable control.
2. Non-personal data
2.1. Automatically recorded information (non-personal data): When you access our website, we may automatically (i.e. without a registration process) record general non-personal information (e.g. IP number, type of Internet browser and operating system used, domain name of the website from which you accessed our site, number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed). This information may make it possible to draw conclusions about personal data. If it is essential that we record, process and use your communication or utilize such non-personal data then the usage is subject to the legal data protection regulations as per the courts of Hamburg, Germany.
2.2. Cookies
Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on your hard disk. Naturally, you can also view our website without cookies. Our cookies contain no personal information, in order to ensure that your privacy is protected. Most browsers accept cookies automatically. You can stop cookies from being saved by selecting "Do not accept cookies" in your browser. To learn how to do this for your specific browser, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions for your browser. If you do not accept cookies, this may however mean that you cannot use all of the functions of our website.
2.3. All access to our servers, web pages and data bases from Music2Deal are subjected to logging. We regularly gather the below:
- IP address of the requesting computer
- Date and time of the request
- Access method/function wanted by the requesting computer
- Input values transmitted by the requesting computer (file name,…)
- Access status of the Web server (files transfer, file not found, command not implemented, etc.)
- Name of the requested file
- URL, from which the file and/or the desired function was requested.
The stored data is used for identification purposes and to keep track of inadmissible access attempts and accesses on our internet servers. We make anonymous sum statistics and statistic evaluations for the improvement of our offers. However during this process of making anonymous sum statistics, some data might accrue at our end which might potentially permit conclusions on individual users.
2.4. Music2Deal uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics uses “Cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site.The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about yourself by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
2.5. Java applets, Flash components or similar technologies are being used on Music2Deal to enhance your interactive experience on Music2Deal. No personal data is being stored by these technologies.
3. Your individual rights
Under the GDPR your rights are as follows.
3.1 Right to object
- General: You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you, pursuant to Article 6 (1) f) of the EU GDPR. This shall also apply to any profiling carried out on the basis of these provisions. Please use our contact form to submit any of your objection/s.
- Direct marketing / newsletters: If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you for such marketing. This includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. You can unsubscribe to our newsletters at any time in your notification settings on Music2Deal, or in your e-mails by clicking on the link provided at the end of the respective newsletter, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs in accordance with the basic tariffs. In some applications there are different ways of unsubscribing to a newsletter or notifications. At the Music2Deal Settings you can subscribe and unsubscribe those notifications. Incase you receive an email from one of our marketing officers or contractors without your consent or by mistake then you can either bring it to our notice using our Contact Form found on all pages of Music2Deal. You can also simply click “reply” to the email and in the body of the email please type the word “UNSUBSCRIBE” in bold.
3.2 Right of access
- You have the right to demand confirmation as to whether we process your personal data. If this is the case you are entitled to receive information about this personal data.
- If possible, we will share the planned period of time that the personal data will be saved for. Incase this isn't possible then the criteria we use to determine this time period.
- You can demand confirmation on the existence of a right to rectification or erasure of your personal data and/or the right to restriction of processing by the controller, or a right to object to this processing
- You can demand confirmation on the existence of a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
- You can demand confirmation on all available information about the origin of the personal data if the data was not obtained from the person in question.
- If personal data is passed on to a third country or an international organisation, you have the right as the person affected to be informed about the respective guarantees (pursuant to Article 46 of the EU GDPR) regarding this sharing of data.
3.3. Right to rectification: You have the right to demand that we correct any incorrect personal data concerning you with immediate effect. Taking the purposes of processing into account, you have the right to demand the completion of any incomplete personal data – including by means of a supplementary explanation.
3.4. Right to erasure: You are entitled to demand that we delete your personal data without delay if one of the following applies:
- The personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or processed in some other way.
- You withdraw your consent that the processing was based on pursuant to Article 6 (1) a) or Article 9 (2) a) of the EU GDPR, and there are now no valid legal grounds for processing.
- You submit an objection to the processing of your data pursuant to Article 21 (1) of the EU GDPR and there are no overriding justifiable grounds for the processing, or you submit an objection to the processing of your data pursuant to Article 21 (2) of the EU GDPR.
- The personal data was processed unlawfully. The deletion of the personal data is required to fulfil a legal obligation in accordance with EU law or the law of individual member states. The personal data was recorded in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child, pursuant to Article 8 (1) of the EU GDPR. Once you have made your request, we are obliged to delete the data with immediate effect. The lawfulness of the data processing for the period between the consent and the withdrawal of this consent shall remain unaffected.
3.5. Right to restriction of processing: You are entitled to demand a restriction to the processing of your personal data in cases where you dispute the correctness of the personal data, for a period of time that allows the controller to review the correctness of that personal data. If the processing is unlawful and you reject the erasure of the personal data in favour of demanding a restriction to the use of the personal data, we will fulfil this request. Processing will also be restricted if we no longer require your personal data for the purposes of processing but do require it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. Or if you have objected to processing pursuant to Article 21 (1) of the EU GDPR, for as long as is not yet ascertained whether the justifiable grounds of the controller outweigh your grounds. We will inform you in advance should the restriction be revoked.
3.6. Right to data portability: You have the right to receive personal data concerning you that you have made available to us in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format, and you also have the right to transfer this data to another controller without being impeded by us to whom the personal data has been made available. The condition is that a) processing is based on consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) a) of the EU GDPR or Article 9 (2) a) of the EU GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Article 6 (1) b) of the EU GDPR, and b) the processing is conducted with the help of automated processes. When exercising your right to data portability you have the right to demand that the personal data is transferred directly from us to another controlling body, provided this is technically viable.
3.7. Right to withdraw consent: If processing is subject to your consent you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. This shall not affect the lawfulness of any processing that took place with your consent up until its withdrawal.
3.8. Right to lodge a complaint: With regards to your private data and its protection, the supervisory authority responsible for our company is:
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Prof. Dr. Johannes Caspar, Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 4, 20097 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 / 428 54 – 4040 Fax: +49 40 / 428 54 – 4000 Further details are available on - (in German).If you feel that the processing of your personal data infringes upon the EU GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the abovementioned supervisory authority from your regular place of residence, place of work, or the alleged place of infringement.
Further information about the complaint procedure is available in Article 77 of the EU GDPR.
4. Linked Sites
4.1 On Music2Deal there may be hyperlinks to other websites, not belonging to Music2Deal. Music2Deal has no control over such websites and the private information they might collect from Music2Deal members who click such hyperlinks. In this context,
4.2 Music2Deal assumes no liability whatsoever for invasions of the member's privacy which are caused due to the result of visiting such linked websites from within Music2Deal.
4.3 Music2Deal cannot take any responsibility and/or will not be liable in any way whatsoever for the function, up-to-date status, accuracy, completeness of content and the quality of 3rd party links.
4.4 The clause 4.3 is also applicable in the context of information contained in third party websites linked from within Music2Deal
4.5 The clause 4.3 will also apply within the context of the legality of content served by such 3rd party links.
5. Groups
Music2Deal offers its members an application internally termed as - “Groups”. Each group has one or more moderator(s). In general the process is that a Music2Deal-Member applies to join a group and the moderator has the right to decide whether or not to accept this group joining request/application from the member. Furthermore, the moderator has the right to decide whether the group will be public or restricted to a certain group of people. The information displayed for each group on Music2Deal is available only to Music2Deal-Members unless and until the moderator decides that non-members will also have visibility to this information.
6. Statistics provides you with statistics about member's profile, including statistics about their music offers. Statistical information informs you-the member, how often your profile or offers were viewed, heard or added as a favourite, etc.
It must be noted in specific that a member with a Premium-Membership will have the ability to see how often and who visited their profile on Music2Deal. Such profile statistics especially the collection of information via our internal systems on who visited which profile on Music2Deal is mandatory. Therefore, if you do not agree with people knowing that you visited their profile, you should not be using Music2Deal and discontinue your membership right away. Continuing this membership would be considered your written express approval on this clause of Statistics.
7. Notifications/Newsletter
Music2Deal regularly sends a newsletter as well as status e-mails and other notifications that concern the membership (e.g. statistics or new notifications) to all Music2Deal-Members. Members can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by e-mail via the email address given at the end of each newsletter link. Members can subscribe and unsubscribe to notifications from the settings page found within their member profile.
Some examples of Notifications and Newsletter settings are as below:
- 1. "My Music2Deal Report": I want to regularly (every week) receive the "My Music2Deal Report" newsletter with my personal statistics (recommended).
- 2. "Latest from Music2Deal": I want to regularly (every week) receive this newsletter which keeps me informed about news from Music2Deal, new Members, new Offers and Wants. (recommended).
- 3. Activities in My Network
- a. I would like to be informed about music Offers
- b. I would like to be informed about Wants
- c. "New Matches"
- 4. I want to regularly receive an email about new matches for my profile, Offers & Wants (recommended).
8. Under Age
The membership of Music2Deal is reserved only to persons who have reached the legal age of 18 years. If parents and/or legal guardians use Music2Deal on behalf of their 18 years old children for whatsoever reason then they will be solely responsible for the protection of their child's privacy.
9. Changes to these Terms and Conditions of Data Protection
In the event it becomes necessary due to gaps in the menitoned Terms and Conditions of Data Protection within this document, Music2Deal reserves the right to change such Terms and Conditions. This is applicable even if such gaps are identified after the immediate and updated release of this document online. Music2Deal will also reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions of Data Protection when Music2Deal would start providing additional and/or modified services. Music2Deal will notify all members of any amendments to these Terms and Conditions of Data Protection via e-mail to the e-mail account which the members provided to Music2Deal while registering or as per Music2Deal's most updated records about the members.
10. Accessibility of these Terms and Conditions on Data Protection
These Terms and Conditions on Data Protection are accessible from most pages of Music2Deal and can be found under the link "Privacy Policy". Version: 07/April/2019
11. Changes to this Privacy Policy
All changes to this Privacy Policy will be updated online and an endeavour will be made to keep it contemporary at the respective point in time. If you object to any changes, you may close your account.
12. Copyright
All rights to the design of this website are held exclusively by Music2Deal e.K. Under no circumstance may the content of our website be reproduced, disseminated, transmitted (via electronic or other media), modified and/or used, either in part or whole, for public or commercial purposes without our prior written consent. In case you would like to create links to our website you will be required to do provide us with a prior notification and seek our approval in writing.
13. Disclaimer
We cannot take any responsibility and exclude liability for the function, up-to-date status, accuracy and completeness of content or the quality of links, particularly in respect of information contained in third party websites that are linked herein (including the legality of content of those websites). The third parties hold exclusive rights to these external websites and are responsible for the content therein. We distance ourselves from any content if the content of party link within Music2Deal changes and as an effect it starts transmitting private data of members which in no way serves the business interests of Music2Deal e.K. This particularly applies to transmission of content that is prohibited under German as well as international data protection and privacy laws. We also maintain an arm length with 3rd parties if we find their links aiding and/or abetting the dissemination of private data of Music2Deal members especially the ones which constitute a prosecutable offence.
14. Contact Information
You can contact us or use other options to resolve any complaints.
If you have questions or complaints regarding this Policy, please first contact Music2Deal by e-mail to or by using the contact form provided on most of the Music2Deal pages, or by letter. If contacting us does not resolve your complaint, you have more options. Residents in the Designated Countries may also have the right to contact our Data Protection Officer (have a look at 3.8).
- 您的音乐网址-相关网页
- 你参与项目中,(请标明链接)
- 链接到你的音乐,项目,电影,等刊物
- 在娱乐行业的公司或个人,或者是广告业相类似的行业。