提供歌曲 (1)

Don't Silence The Howl

  • 2015/5/4
  • 搖滾
  • 英文
Don't Silence The Howl
類別 搖滾
語言 英文
節奏 mid-Tempo
  • Dramatic
  • Aggressive
  • Ballad
聲線 男聲
作者 Tom Boisvert
發佈日期 2013
發佈藝人 Mike Caro
Apricot Lily Music is dedicated to the preservation and proliferation of the American Gray Wolf.
See Profile
01 Dont Silence The Howl
照片 & 影片


Toni Funk
Toni Funk 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Ain't Rock n Roll"
Twin League
Twin League 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"Very nice!"
robert wronkiewicz
robert wronkiewicz 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"nice sentiment and message, track has nice feel"
Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 2019/9/21 下午 9:58
"this is Reggae, not Rock & Roll, but apart from this good music. Mixing could be improved, too much reverb, voice could be more present in the mix"
Paulina Caine
Paulina Caine 2019/9/21 下午 9:58