Denora Music さんがビジネスの輪に Martin H. Samuel さんを追加しました。
- 主な活動
- ソングライター
- 主なジャンル
- ロック
- 語学力
- 英語
- 二次的な活動
- 作詞家
- 二次的なジャンル
- ポップス
Martin is a published and recorded award-winning lyricist / songwriter / drummer / producer who also plays guitar ... and always ready to collaborate / co-write songs with other songwriters. Martin either played on or co-wrote tracks 10 thru 29 on Coast 2 Coast PopStars Mixtape Vol. 28 – released in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. on 6th January 2017.
Malaika Music is an ASCAP-affiliated publisher.