
Main activity
Record Label
Main genre
Language skills
Film/TV   Distribution   Record Label   Organization   Music Producer   Booking   Digital & Mobile   Media  
Instrumental   Rock & Roll   Hip-Hop   Dance Electronica   Rock   Brit-Pop   Country   Metal   Soundtrack   House   Folk   R&B   Alternative   Pop   Indie   Punk   Techno  

Personal profile

Company profile

Tunii Music Group is both Indie Label and Technology Company. Our vision at Tunii is to revolutionize the music industry by giving both recording artists and music fans around the world the ability to make their living by simply sharing the music they make and love. Our focus is to give every great artist the best possible opportunity to have their songs go viral, build their fan base, increase sales and be successful. Fans that help share and promote those songs share in the proceeds of that success. Tunii’s patent-pending technology platform manages all of this and is 100% free to join for both artists and fans. Join us in our mission of making Tunii the future of the music industry where together we can all share in the success for connecting artists and fans around the world. Share Music - Make Money IT'S FREE and IT'S FUN!