offerte canzoni (1)

Friend In Jesus

  • 12-feb-2017
  • Gospel & Religious
  • English
informazioni principali
genere Gospel & Religious
lingua English
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Soulful
  • Groovy
  • Uplifting
voce male
autori lyrics by Craig Johnson
realizzazione dati 2016
realizzazione artista Craig Johnson
informazioni canzone
This is a contemporary gospel song demo with warmth and a nice groove.
informazioni autori
I am the lyricist of the song. I hired a studio singer for the vocals, and production company for the music.
friend in jesus

Votes and comments

Achim Wierschem
Achim Wierschem 21/09/19 21.58
Yvonne Wilcox
Yvonne Wilcox 21/09/19 21.58
"Very enlightening song"
Michal Rutkowski
Michal Rutkowski 21/09/19 21.58