Künstlerangebote (1)

Jude Contreras

  • 20.10.2014
    • Easy Listening
  • Solokünstler
Jude Contreras
  • Easy Listening
Besetzung Solokünstler
Land USA
  • Englisch
  • Geschäftsdienstleistungen
Jude Contreras www.judetunes.com 45 Year Old Multi Instrumentalist, including Guitar Bass, Keys, Drums. Whatever it takes to write the song that's in my head. Original acoustic/electric music from funny to soulful.....Rock, Funk, Blues covers.....What choo need? Thank you for reading this, and remember to support local music, WHEREVER on this planet you may find yourself! Peace Jude
Don't Take My Guitar
Fotos & Video

Bewertungen und Kommentare

Chalam +
Chalam + 21.09.19 21:58
"Love this from Jude. :)"
Peter Fosso
Peter Fosso 21.09.19 21:58
"Nice fingerpicking piece, really sets a particular mood. Post more songs! :-)"