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Rock & Roll   Hip-Hop   Dance Electronica   Soul   Brit-Pop   Funk   Soundtrack   Folk   Rap   R&B   Alternative   Jingles   Indie  

Osobisty profil

Joey Auch (pronounced 'Auk') is an award winning songwriter, multi instrumentalist, producer and gifted vocalist with vast repertoire of exceptional music to his credit. ​His gifts as a master tunesmith have been recognized by some of the worlds top songwriting organizations including the ISC (2016 Co-writer Winner - Teen Pop Category), London's 'We Are Listening', The New York Songwriter's Circle and the Great American Songwriting contest which twice awarded him first place in the Pop category. ​ ​Joey has co-written, produced and helped to develop a slew of rising talent including artists like Rachel Platten, Erin Bowman, Decora, Greg Adams and Nick Deutsch just to name a Few. In addition to his work with artists, Joey's music has been licensed by networks including Bravo, Animal Planet, NBC, ABC, Fox, FX and Univision. As a commercial writer he has written and produced music for numerous national brands and fortune 500 companies. He was interviewed on the Rachel Ray Show and was featured with his co-writer in Rolling Stone's "Hot Issue--Top Jingle Writers", for the famous 30 second earworm he wrote and recorded for McDonalds Filet O' Fish.

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