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Osobisty profil

Senior vice president of artist relations & development.

Profil firmy

We at The Phor Agency like to take a balanced approach with each artist in developing your music career and entertainment aspirations without hindering the creative process. We advise and counsel our artists concerning professional matters and career related endeavors... Which include (but are not limited to) the planning /executing of entertainment activities, music related business deals, branding, marketing, promotion, trademarks, merchandising. negotiating contracts, recording contracts, negotiate licensing deals, negotiating deals with record companies, 360 deals, publishing/co publishing, administration deals or personal decisions which may directly or indirectly effect your music career. We work with our artists in every aspect from their vision concept through the project completion. Helping musician's with recording budgets, product development, conducting marketing research for song selection, designing press kits, finding a proper studio or helping to select the right producer(s) & engineers.