icon of group Near East Music2Deal Group

Near East Music2Deal Group

Music2Deal - Near East Group - Description: Dedicated to the professionals working in the music field in the Near East Region. The objective of this group is to focus on our members activities a[...]

Indian Music Industry

As a mark of respect to all the participants of this group we would like to extend some FREEBIES to the ones who comment the best (and most) FREEBIES :- 1. Get Featured on our newsletter property [...]

Promotions & Publicity for your music in India

Hi, If you are an artist or a label and would like to understand the Indian market especially on how to promote your music in India, please post your questions here and I will answer all such questio[...]
icon of group Int. Music Manager Forum Group

Int. Music Manager Forum Group

This group is for networking and exchange of information for the member of the 17 Music Managers Forums around the world. Moreover it is a place to contact MMF managers.[...]