Song offers (1)

We'll Find Love

  • 2015-03-05
  • Pop
  • English
We'll Find Love
Main info
Kategoria Pop
Język English
Tempo up-Tempo
  • Energetic
  • Cheerful
  • Happy
  • Danceable
Głos kobiecy
Autor J-ASIA, Leigh Fuge
Data wydania 2015
Wydane przez J-ASIA
Opis utworu
Upbeat song about circling the world in search of love.
Info o autorze
J-ASIA is mixed race, Japanese and American (French), singer/songwriter/recording artist in the Pop/Dance/R&B music genres. She is a classically trained and highly versatile vocalist. She has a pop/dance EP, "Vivacious" written in both Japanese and English as well as an EP in R&B called "The R&B Project." She has a feature with EDM duo, Shlomi Levi & Suiss and DJ Leng Yein releasing on Joy Records in 2015. Leigh Fuge is a talented British guitarist and producer currently a member of the band, PeaceMakerDIE.
We'll Find Love
Photos & Video

Votes and comments

Chalam +
Chalam + 19-09-21 21:58
"An excellent production. :)"
John Meisel
John Meisel 19-09-21 21:58
Fred Rohan Vargas
Fred Rohan Vargas 19-09-21 21:58
Mark Holstein
Mark Holstein 19-09-21 21:58
"Super song and beautiful voice"
Luigino Sarcone
Luigino Sarcone 19-09-21 21:58
"Formidable voice!! Ciao bella...Luigino."