Licences offres (1)

Beautiful Toronto

  • 15 oct. 2017
  • Pop
  • Anglais
Beautiful Toronto
Info principale
Genre Pop
Langue Anglais
Utilisez pour
  • Film
  • Commercial
  • Compilation
master track available Non
Tempo tempo-moyen
  • romantique
  • emballé
Voix femme
Date de sortie 2016
Artiste de sortie Catherine King
Infos Licences
Publisher - Empty Nest Music (BMI)
Info sur la chanson
Having fallen in love in and with Toronto, female singer is longing to return, missing the city and the man she loves.
Beautiful Toronto
Photos & Video

Note et Commentaires

Chalam +
Chalam + 21/09/19 21:58
"A beautiful song! :)"