- 主な活動
- エージェンシーおよびブランド
- 主なジャンル
- オルタナティブ
- 語学力
- 英語
- 二次的な活動
- A&R 音楽プロデューサ マネージメント PRエージェンシー 映画プロデューサ その他 団体 メディア ソングライター レコードレーベル シンガーソングライター アーティスト ビジネス・サービス リミキサーおよびスタジオ 販促
- 二次的なジャンル
- ロック ポップス ダンスエレクトニカ パンク ソウル ヒップホップ インディ サウンドトラック ロックンロール R&B 実験 テクノ
IKILL_0RION Brandelux is a creative house service driven/artist led platform with the focus and aim of “transforming artists & bands into b(r)ands”. The company has as its creative director – visionary music maverick IKILL ORION. Having worked with Multi-Platinum Grammy winning icons such as Jay-Z, Nile Rodgers (Madonna + Bowie) IKILL as a creative has been featured on MTV, MTV Japan, Fox TV, BBC Radio, (UK) Music Week, Reuters, Timeout London and in Billboard magazine twice. Our unique platform offers a suite of customized services to ‘fit’ each individual artist needs and to ‘suit’ their own unique style.
BRANDELUX MGMT x CONSULTANCY x IMAGE x A&R x ARTIST DEVELOPMENT x MUSIC PRODUCTION As a company we have over 50 + years combined experience having worked with major labels (Universal, Warner, Sony), Grammy winners, Multi-Platinum artists & International producers worldwide. We develop, package + pitch artists for opportunities. “We are looking for artists who are passionate and talented to nurture /develop”. The services we offer are tailored ‘to fit’ each artists needs and ‘to suit’ each individuals style. We welcome all types of budgets and work with artists at various stages throughout their careers.