- 主な活動
- 作曲家
- 主なジャンル
- ポップス
- 語学力
- 英語
- 二次的な活動
- アーティスト ボーカリスト 作詞家 パブリッシャ 音楽プロデューサ ソングライター
- 二次的なジャンル
- インストルメンタル オルタナティブ ワールド サウンドトラック ロック
A veteran musician, vocalist, and songwriter, I compose in several genres and styles. The youngest of 11 children, I was raised in a very musical household and exposed to many types of music including Pop, Rock, Classical, Country, Big Band, Crooner, and the like. The diversity in my musical tastes has made being an artist and writer always fun, and seemingly new. I operate my own small studio and produce mainly for myself and a few musical friends, and maintain a small stable of artists for some musical variation.
Independent production and publishing for my own projects and artist development.