offerte canzoni (1)

Come with me tonight

  • 17-nov-2014
  • R&B
  • English
Come with me tonight
informazioni principali
genere R&B
lingua English
tempo mid-Tempo
  • Romantic
voce male
autori Mark Don
realizzazione dati 2014
realizzazione artista Mark Don
informazioni canzone
It's my own RnB number. Which was produced at my home studio where I usually do all my recording and production. Usually I'm more into rock or metal genres but wanted to try out something different and new. Enjoy!
Mark Don - RnB
foto & Video

Votes and comments

Paul Bailey
Paul Bailey 21/09/19 21.58
Chalam +
Chalam + 21/09/19 21.58
"A good try.Good song. :)"
Twin League
Twin League 21/09/19 21.58