Ambassador GroupExclusive Group for the Ambassadors of Music2Deal - Connect with other Ambassadors - Promote your business - Post news, music offers or wants so that Music2Deal may promote via its news, new[...] |
Near East Music2Deal GroupMusic2Deal - Near East Group - Description: Dedicated to the professionals working in the music field in the Near East Region. The objective of this group is to focus on our members activities a[...] |
Austrian MusicIn dieser Gruppe kann sich die rot-weiss-rote Musikszene und -branche wiederfinden, unterhalten, austauschen und kennelernen. JOIN US ! [...] |
International Networking - hang out lodge.This group aims to connect people who work in complementary fields in different countries. It´s a place to discuss new ideas, discover affinities, brainstorm, and most of all, get to know each other s[...] |
IMMFThe International Music Manager’s Forum (IMMF) represents featured artist music managers and through them the featured artists (performers and authors) themselves. [...] |
The Music Business in South AfricaThe objective of this group is to adress issues that South African Musicians are faced with. The roles venues play in the growth in the music industry in SA as well as where discussions regarding publ[...] |
Music2deal RepresentativesGroup for the representatives and the head office concerning communication and information about marketing and developement.[...] |
Music2deal-SupportAny problems or questions with music2deal? The music2deal employees in this group can help you! Probleme oder Fragen zu Music2deal? Die Music2deal-Mitarbeiter aus dieser Gruppe können dir weiterhel[...] |
songwriterThe Songwriter group will start at the 9th of April 2015 and is about all topics of songwriting & marketing of the songs. Songwriter group is presented by SongsWanted, Germany's leading song casting [...] |
| - All power to the artistDiscussions, opinions and experiences concerning online-self-marketing[...] |
A&R TopicsDiscussions, help, information, understanding and knowledge about A&R and it's continuing role within the worldwide music industry.[...] |